Problem from UW ME 525 - Applied Acoustics

Arnie Larson

In this exaple we investigate characterizing the noise level for a ship using a standard measurement technique.

After reading about a specification for measuring vessel noise level with a system using 3 hydrophones, we do a simplified analysis with a single hydrophone.

The experimental set up is repeated N times and the data has been curated into nice 1 second time series windows with $f_s = 96 \;kHz$. It is appropriate here to take N samples and average them together to calculate a "better" source level for the example test.


The codes to reproduce all of the plots and analysis are all below.


Is it appropriate to ignore attenuation for this test? At 1kHz the attenuation approaches 0.05 dB/km and at 10kHz the attenuation is between 0.5 dB/km and 1 dB/km. For the distances our measurements are taken (approx 150m) this will yield relatively small attenuation, especially at the lower frequencies and approaching 0.1 dB at the highest frequencies of interest. Since the majority of the SPL arises from frequencies well below 10kHz, ignoring attenutation is probably good for estimates to within 0.1 dB.